Stampen Blues Jam with Derek January


Come join us at the Saturday Blues Jam at Stampen on Saturday afternoons, where for the past 20 years, our growing and faithful audiences have been treated to some outstanding weekly performances by a host of musicians – ranging from young amateurs to seasoned professionals, local and foreign – who turn up to create live, spontaneous, instant onstage compositions. Almost anything can happen, as musicians of backgrounds interpret the Blues through the lenses their own genres: funk, jazzy soul, down home Chicago, delta, country or heavy metal. Sometimes, it feels like a miracle that the organized chaos holds together at all, and other times, the music simply takes control and flows so freely that it’s hard to believe it was all improvised!

Our Saturday blues jam is hosted by Derek January, Tommy “BigT” Moberg, Per-Olof Sjöström and Hannes Mellberg – all of them familiar faces in the Swedish music scene!

This particular Saturday Mr DEREK JANUARY is hosting the jam! Join us!


Aug 03 2024
14:00 - 19:00
Fri entré